Roots for Strength and Under the Oak Restaurant team up to prepare delicious meals to be delivered to families in need in Clayton, NC. Donate to this ministry by selecting a meal, with products sourced locally, to help serve the community.  We have an active list of families in need through local churches and iChoose Pregnancy, however, if you know of someone you’d like to serve, we can work that out too!  
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PURCHASE A MEAL TO LET US KNOW OF SOMEONE WHO COULD BE BLESSED BY A MEAL!  We prepare and donate meals regularly.  Any received Meal Donations help us reach more folks than we normally could on our own. Just message Kurt at if you know of anyone who could use some good food, encouragement, and prayer!

Below is a much appreciated thank you letter from Vicky at iChoose Pregnancy!


“Dear Kurt,

Roots for Strength is an amazing ministry! We are in such awe of how organized and well prepared you were to make and deliver Christmas Family Dinners to iChoose moms. Please know that these moms were truly touched by your kindness with this delicious giving! On behalf of everyone at iChoose, please accept our heartfelt gratitude and thanks!

Serving Him with you,

Vicky Currie

Executive Director”