Depression, Anxiety, Circumstances, & Joy (Sorrow=Capacity for Joy!)

Depression, Anxiety, Circumstances, & Joy (Sorrow=Capacity for Joy!)

When your depressed and sorrowful, begin to think of it as a capacity for Joy. In other words, if I am upset, instead of over analyzing my current circumstances, I need to remember that not only do I have room for a joy fill up, but remember where my joy comes from. Happiness may be reliant on your circumstances, but this is a temporal feeling, whereas joy is eternal and is not dependent on your circumstance.

There is a God shaped hole inside all of us. We can fill it up with all sorts of things other than God, but will never be satisfied or content with anything other than a personal relationship with God.

The joy of the Lord is your strength-Nehemiah 8:10 NO JOY=NO STRENGTH and our Joy comes from the Lord.

Satan will use circumstances to rob us of our joy, which makes us more vulnerable to fall into periods of depression, sorrow, and anxiety. These feelings can feed and fuel each other in a vicious cycle that can drive us further into sadness. Halt this cycle and remember that God works through all circumstances and he is the provider of joy regardless of where you are or what you are facing. Don’t let circumstances control your life, instead keep your focus on God and His promises. Be encouraged and know that our Father in Heaven wants us to be joyful and He provides all that we need…all we have to do is trust Him and follow His lead.

I know the Lord and I’m still all too familiar with debilitating anxiety and feelings of hopelessness and losing control. When you’re in the thick of it, its hard to see that joy that God wants for us. Sometimes I need space, but sometimes I just need an ear. So, if you are going through a valley and would like me to walk with you, just reach out and I’ll be glad to listen to you, pray with you, and do my best to encourage you. or text 919-210-6499 and let me know who you are and I’ll call you back asap!

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